Frequently Asked Questions

Finding Repair Parts

We sell millions of similar parts. Your model number is key to finding the right part for your product.

With your model number we can show you:

  • Parts that fit your model.
  • Symptoms and troubleshooting help.
  • Diagrams to find parts by location.
  • Step-by-step repair videos by experts.
  • Installation instructions written by Fix customers.

Need help finding your model number?

For help finding your model number, check out our Model Number Locator to view the most common locations.

Model numbers are usually located on a metal tag somewhere on your product. Model numbers can be made up of numbers, letters, or a combination of both. They may also include the brand name or year of production. Here are some examples:

  • 1005400
  • LAT1000AAE
  • 16400 (3900001-3999999 - 1993)

The model number on your owner's manual may be incomplete as manufacturers often print one manual for a group of models. It's best to locate the model number directly on your product.

The numbers printed or stamped on the part itself are often only for identification during the manufacturing process and may not be the actual part number. The best way to find your part is by search with your product model number.

Need help finding your model number?

Your part is in one of our warehouses and can be shipped immediately. Most in stock parts ship within 24 hours.
New stock is on the way! On order parts usually ship within 7 business days.
These items are not in stock at our warehouse but we'll order one in just for you! Special order items usually ship within 10 business days.
If your part is no longer available (NLA) it means the manufacturer is no longer making this part and it won't be available for purchase.

Order Status & Details

We use your email to send you details related to your order, including order confirmation, shipping, and tracking information. We hate spam as much as you do and we won't sell your address to any third-party company.

We use your email to send you details related to your order, including order confirmation, shipping, and tracking information. We hate spam as much as you do and we won't sell your address to any third-party company.

You can check your order status here.

You can cancel your order as it is preparing to ship. Use our self-service feature to cancel your order online.

If your order is cancelled, you will not be charged for shipping. Please allow 2-3 business days for your refund to appear on your credit card.

Yes. Some of the parts we sell are eligible for mail-in rebates since we can recycle them. We will display any applicable rebates in your shopping cart. To redeem your rebate, contact Customer Service after you have received your part.

Shipping Information

We offer a variety of shipping options to best meet your needs.

We work hard to ensure that you are charged the lowest possible rate for shipping, and that the rate you are charged is as fair as possible.

Please note that not all methods are available from all of’s warehouses. The available shipping methods will be displayed to you when you are making your purchase. Costs include shipping and handling (no additional handling charges).

  • Econo Ship (Usually 3-7 Business Days)
  • Standard (Usually 2-3 Business Days)
  • Next Business Day

Anywhere within the United States except Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, and US offshore territories. Please note that we are unable to ship to PO boxes, including APO/FPO US military bases.

Fix currently does not ship to PO boxes, including APO/FPO US military bases.

When shipping oversized items or large orders, there may be additional shipping costs. You will be contacted by Customer Service to discuss these costs prior to your order shipping. We will never charge you additional fees without your permission.

Your order may be backordered with the manufacturer or lost in transit. If you haven't received your order, contact Customer Service for more information.

Returns & Refunds

Fix offers 365-day returns on all parts that have not been installed. Use our self-service feature to complete your return online.

Please allow 7-10 business days after the part has been received in our warehouse for your refund to appear on your credit card.

Please note we can only accept returns on items that have not been installed.

You can the check status of any refund in your Fix Account or by checking your order status here.

If a part arrives damaged we will ship you a new one as fast as possible. Contact our Customer Service within 10 days of receiving a damaged part and we'll take care of the rest.

Fix offers a one-year warranty on all parts it sells. If your part fails within the first year, contact Customer Service for a replacement.

You can check the status of your mail-in rebate in your Fix Account or by checking your order status here.

Payment & Privacy

Fix offers multiple payment methods:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • PayPal

Fix makes every effort to protect your information while shopping with us. We only use your credit card details for your purchase and do not store any credit card information.

You can always contact our Customer Service at 1-877-332-6797 1-877-332-6797 to place an order directly through our representatives.

Click here to view our Fix App Privacy Policy.